Message from our President
Sharaku partners with clients to resolve business challenges by providing comprehensive start-to-finish advice, from corporate vision and strategic planning to implementation and follow up. Our multifaceted approach includes both management, planning and strategic consulting as well as M&A, turnaround and related financial advisory services.
The current economic times are challenging for businesses operating in Japan. With political uncertainty at home and financial turmoil and fierce competition from abroad, the need for corporate Japan to identify and develop new strategies and maximize efficiency are greater than ever. Sharaku was founded with a vision of collaborating with Japanese corporate executives to help them achieve the full potential of their businesses. Our motto is "Top Management Sherpa" - just as Sherpas guide Himalayan mountain climbers to some of the tallest mountains in the world, we aim to assist executives perform at the highest levels.
However, Sherpas do not simply point out the path to the mountain tops – they identify and mitigate risks with their knowledge and experience with the weather and environmental conditions. They provide the heavy-lifting, by carrying equipment, shelter and food for the duration of the expedition. And by safely and successfully reaching the summit, the Sherpas earn the long-term trust of their clients. Like Sherpas, we partner to our clients to identify their risks and opportunities, implement challenging decisions and deliver sustainable results.
Our goal is to help clients traverse any difficult terrain to achieve their goal. We share our clients’ aspirations, and measure our success by their success. And we endeavour to not only help corporate executives succeed, but also bring positive change to our clients’ organizations.
Yoshiaki Kita
President & CEO
Sharaku Partners Co.,Ltd.
We offer a comprehensive range of strategic and management consulting,
M&A and financial advice, and turnaround and other services.
For more information, please contact us at